September 26-28, 2007
Hyatt Regency Fairlane
Dearborn Michigan USA
Exhibits Open:
Thursday, September 27 from 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
Friday, September 28 from 10:00 AM-3:00 PM
*Open during breaks and lunch
6:30 PM-8:30 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Regency Ballroom A-B
Keynote Springwells Ballroom
8:30 AM-9:15 AM Progression of Micro-Grinding and Micro-Tooling
Jerry Mzar, SmalTec, Naperville, Illinois
Grinding Fluid Applications
9:15 AM-9:40 AM Analysis of Fluid Flow in the Grinding Using the Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) Technique
Hui Wu, Ph.D., Liverpool John Moores University, UK
9:40 AM-10:05 AM Application of Flexible Fluid Supplying Sheet to High Speed Grinding
Manabu Iwai, Toyama Prefectural University, Japan
10:05 AM-10:35 AM BREAK in Great Lakes Room
Grinding Fluid Alternatives
10:35 AM-11:00 AM An Innovative Concept for Dry Grinding with Resin & Vitrified Bond CBN Wheel
Taghi Tawakoli, Ph.D., Furtwangen University, Germany
11:00 AM-11:25 AM Effect of Micro Bubble Coolant on Grinding with cBN Wheel
Manabu Iwai, Toyama Prefectural University, Japan
11:25 AM-11:50 AM High-Speed Grinding with Electroplated cBN Wheels Using Oil vs. Waterbased Fluids
Jean Dasch, General Motors, Michigan
11:50 AM-12:15 PM Conversion of Vitrified CBN ID Grind Operation from Water-Soluble Oil to Straight Machining Oil
Mark Herrema, Delphi, Michigan
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Regency Ballroom C-D
Processing Semi-Conductor Materials
9:15 AM-9:40 AM The Effect of Temperature Characteristic on Si-wafer Polishing for a Variable Machining Condition
Jong-Koo Won, Inha University, Korea
9:40 AM-10:05 AM The Evaluation of Pressure Characteristics in Wafer Polishing with Variable Working Speed
Eun-Sang Lee, Inha University, Korea
10:05 AM-10:35 AM BREAK in Great Lakes Room
10:35 AM-11:00 AM Study of Thinning Process of Large Size Si Wafer
Tatsuya Tsuruga, Ibaraki University, Japan
11:00 AM-11:25 AM Development of On-Machine 3D Measuring System for Large Size Wafer Thinning Process
Takahito Mitsuta, Ibaraki University, Japan
11:25 AM-11:50 AM Estimation of Total Thickness Variation for Wafer Thinning by Diamond Grinding Process
Chao-Chang Arthur Chen, Ph.D., National Taiwan University of Science & Technology, Taiwan
11:50 AM-12:15 PM Effect of Ti02 and Ce02 Particles on SIC Semiconductors Surfaces Polished Under Ultraviolet-ray Irradiation
Junji Watanabe, Kumamotto University, Japan
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Regency Ballroom E-F
Machining Titanium
9:15 AM-9:40 AM Rotary Ultrasonic of Titanium Alloy: Experimental Investigations
Pengfei Zhang, Kansas State University, Kanas
9:40 AM-10:05 AM Finishing Characteristics on Titanium Materials of Different Phase in Dry Centrifugal Barrel Finishing
Koichi Kitajima, Kansai University, Japan
10:05 AM-10:35 AM BREAK in Great Lakes Room
Cutting Tool & Mold Technology
10:35 AM-11:00 AM Improvement of Tool-Life of Small Drill by Using Megasonic Coolant
Manabu Iwai, Toyama Prefectural University, Japan
11:00 AM-11:25 AM Application of the NiP-Plated Steel Molds to Glass Lens Molding
Jun Masuda, Toshiba Machine Co, Ltd., Japan
11:25 AM-11:50 AM An Influence of Tool Run-Out on Mold Surface Texture
Koichi Okuda, University of Hyogo, Japan
11:50 AM-12:15 PM Basic Research on Miniature Machining that Uses Miniature End Mill
Takeshi Akamatsu, Hitachi Tool Engineering Co. Ltd., Japan
12:15 PM-12:45 PM LUNCH in Great Lakes Room
12:45 PM-4:30 PM Ford Rouge Plant Tour
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Regency Ballroom A-B
Grinding Wheels
8:30 AM-8:55 AM Comparative Study About The Effects of Alloying Additives on the Compact & Porous Metal-Bonded Diamond Composites
Qiulian Dai, Huaqiao University, China
8:55 AM-9:20 AM Microstructural Phase Formation in Surface Modified Vitriffed Grinding Wheels
Mark Jackson, Ph.D., Purdue University, Indiana
9:20 AM-9:45 AM High Efficiency Monolayer Brazing Diamond Tool for Drilling
Honghua Su, Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, China
9:45 AM-10:10 AM Fabrication & Characterization of Brazed CBN Wheels with Rhythmed Grain Distribution
Jiuhua Xu and Yucan,Nanjing University of Aeronautics, China
10:15 AM-10:40 AM BREAK in Great Lakes Exhibit Room
Surface Finishing (Analysis)
10:40 AM-11:05 AM Differences in the Effects of Cutting Edge Truncation on the Ground Surface Morphology Between Hard and Brittle Materials and Ductile Materials
Junichi Tamaki, Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan
11:05 AM-11:30 AM Finite Element Analysis of the Hydrostatic Pressure and Temperature in Ductile Machining of Sillicon
Jiwang Yan, Tohoku University, Japan
11:30 AM-11:55 AM Finite Element Analysis of Silicon Wafer Polishing: Stress Distributions & Edge Effects
Xiaoheng Zhang, Kansas State University, Kanas
11:55 AM-1:30 PM LUNCH in Great Lakes Exhibit Room
Surface Finishing (Turbine Parts)
1:30 PM-1:55 PM TBD
1:55 PM-2:20 PM Research of Gas Turbine Disk Sharp Edges Rounding with Nylon Abrasive Brushes
Arseny Vinogradov, Perm State Technical University, Russia
2:20 PM-2:50 PM BREAK in Great Lakes Exhibit Room
Surface Finishing (Fluids)
2:50 PM-3:15 PM A Study of Basic Characteristics of Polishing Using Electro-Rheological Fluid of Polymerized Liquid Crystal
Takeshi Tanaka, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
3:15 PM-3:40 PM Study on Tribo-Fabrication in Polishing by Nano Diamond Colloid
Weimin Lin, Riken, Japan
3:40 PM-4:05 PM The Organic Diamond Disk (ODD) for Chemical Mechanical Planarization
James Sung, KINIK Company, Taiwan
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Regency Ballroom C-D
Tools and Tooling
8:30 AM-8:55 AM Research on Helical Drill Point Grinding with a Biglide Parallel Grinder
Ping Zou, Northeastern University, China
8:55 AM-9:20 AM Simulation of Squeeze Oil Film Damper in Ultrahigh Speed Grinding
Tianbiao Yu, Northeastern Univeristy, China
9:20 AM-9:45 AM Performance of Machining Tools Made of Boron Doped Diamond
Manabu Iwai, Toyama Prefectural University, Japan
9:45 AM-10:10 AM Development of a Cutting Tool with Micro Structural Surface Cutting Performance of Aluminum Alloy with the Developed Cemented Carbide Tool
Ryo Takasaki, Osaka University, Japan
10:10 AM-10:40 AM BREAK in Great Lakes Exhibit Room
Process Measurement (Thermal)
10:40 AM-11:05 AM Experimental & Analytical Analysis of the "Flash" Temperatures at the Wheel/Workpiece Interface in Fine Grinding
Andre Lefebvre, Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de Metz, France
11:05 AM-11:30 AM Thermocouple Fixturing Method for Grinding Temperature Measurement
Bin Shen, WuMRC, Michigan
11:30 AM-11:55 AM Grinding Temperature & Cooling Rate During Grind-Hardening of 40-Cr Steel
Bing Xiao, Nanjing University of Aeronautics, China
11:55 AM-1:30 PM LUNCH in Great Lakes Room
Processing Monitoring
1:30 PM-1:55 PM In-Process Measurement & Monitoring for Intelligent Optimization & Control of Grinding Processes
Radu Pavel and Anil Srivastava, TechSolve, Inc., Ohio
1:55 PM-2:20 PM Grinding Chatter Monitoring Using Least Square Support Vector Machine
Xun Chen, Ph.D., University of Nottingham, UK
Processes, Modeling and Characteristics
2:50 PM-3:15 PM Designing Methods of Electroabrasive Processing
Evgeniy Smolentsev, Voronezh State Technical University, Russia
3:15 PM-3:40 PM Friction Characteristics for Regulating Wheel in Centerless Grinding
Yongbo Wu, Akita Prefectural University, Japan
3:40 PM-4:05 PM Force Modelling in Profiled Surface Grinding
Viktoria Bana, Philips Domestic Appliances & Personal Care, Netherlands
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Regency Ballroom C-D
Abrasive Processing
8:30 AM-8:55 AM Study on the Key Technology of ELID Grinding on a Large Telescope Mirror
Jianqiang Guo, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Japan
8:55 AM-9:20 AM The Production of Automotive Crankshafts Using a High Material Removal Rate Grinding Process
William Pflager, Pennsvanya
9:20 AM-9:45 AM Study of Helical Scan Groove Grinding/Applications to R-shaped Groove Grinding
Manabu Iwai, Toyama Prefectural University, Japan
9:45 AM-10:10 AM Hybrid Processing of EDM and Grinding with an ED-T-formed PCD Tool
Sadao Sano, Sodick Co. Ldt., Japan
10:10 AM-10:40 AM BREAK in Great Lakes Exhibit Room
Abrasive Process Controls
10:40 AM-11:05 AM Development of Table-Reciprocation-Control System for a Surface-grinding Machine Using a Accelerometer
Akinori Yui, National Defense Academy, Japan
11:05 AM-11:30 AM Optimal Tool Dwell Time Computation in Computer-Controlled Surfacing
Hon-Yuen Tam, City University of Hong Kong, China
11:30 AM-11:55 AM Improvement of an Automatic Wheel-Approach System Using of Hydrophone
Shigeki Okuyama, National Defense Acadamy, Japan
11:55 AM-1:30 PM LUNCH in Great Lakes Exhibit Room
Grinding Special Materials (Metals)
1:30 PM-1:55 PM Performance of Electroplated CBN Grinding Points Machining Udimet
David Curtis, M.Eng, University of Birmingham, UK
1:55 PM-2:20 PM Study of Internal Magnetic Field Assisted Finishing for Copper Tubes with MRF (Magneto-rheological Fluid) Based Slurry
Takashi Sato, Utsunomiya University, Japan
2:20 PM-2:50 PM BREAK in Great Lakes Exhibit Room
Grinding Special Materials (Non-Metals)
2:50 PM-3:15 PM Creep Feed Grinding of Gamma - TiA1 Using Superabrasive Wheels
Richard Hood, University of Birmingham, UK
3:15 PM-3:40 PM Thin Tools for the High Speed Cutting of Granite
Bo Wang, Leibniz Universitat Hannover, Germany
3:40 PM-4:05 PM Investigation of the Micro-end Grinding of Ceramics Using a Sintered Metal-bonded Microgrinding Wheel
Jie Feng, University of Michigan, Michigan
10:00 AM-4:00 PM EXHIBITS OPEN – Great Lakes Room
Friday, September 28, 2007
Regency Ballroom A-B
Surface Finishing (Pads)
8:30 AM-8:55 AM The Wear Characteristics of Pad Conditioners for CMP Manufacture of Semiconductors
James Sung, KINIK Company,Taiwan
8:55 AM-9:20 AM Pad Dressing Using Oriented Single Diamond & Its Effect on Polishing Rate of Oxidized Silicon Wafer
Ming Yi Tsai, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
9:20 AM-9:45 AM Groove Patterns of Pads for Oscillation Polishing Under High Rotational Speeds an Low Slurry Flow Rates
Kenichiro Yoshitomi, National Defense Academy, Japan
9:45 AM-10:10 AM Development of Electric Field Assisted Polishing Technology Using ERG Abrasive Pad
Yasuhiro Kakinuma, Keio University, Japan
10:10 AM-10:40 AM BREAK in Great Lakes Exhibit Room
Nano/Mirco Machining Technology
10:40 AM-11:05 AM Study of Turning of Micro Shafts
Hwa-Soo Lee, Nihon University, Japan
11:05 AM-11:30 AM Determining the Ductile to Brittle Transition (DBT) of a Single-Crystal 4H-SiC Wafer by Performing Nanometric Cutting
John Patten and Deepak Ravindra, Western Michigan University, Michigan
11:30 AM-11:55 AM Study of Electrorheological Fluid Assisted Micro Ultrasonic Machining
Takumi Tateishi, Tohoku University, Japan
11:55 AM-1:30 PM LUNCH & EXHIBITS in Great Lakes Room
Nano/Micro Grinding Technology
1:30 PM-1:55 PM Wear Performance of Ground Nanostructured Ceramic Coatings
Bi Zhang, University of Connecticut, Connecticut
1:55 PM-2:20 PM Precise and Micro V-groove Grinding with Fine Grade PCD Wheel Formed by EDM
Manabu Iwai, Toyama Prefectural University, Japan
2:20 PM-2:50 PM BREAK in Great Lakes Exhibit Room
Technology Review
2:50 PM-3:15 PM The Status of Grinding in the Aerospace Industry
Michael Hitchiner, Saint Gobain Abrasives, Michigan
3:15 PM-3:40 PM High Process Quality with Fine Grinding Instead of Lapping
Dirk Preising, Wendt GmbH, Germany
3:15 PM-3:40 PM TBD
Friday, September 28, 2007
Regency Ballrooms E-F
Measurement of Surfaces and Grains
8:30 AM-8:55 AM Manufacturing of Functional Microstructured Surfaces by Grinding with Vitrified SiC - and CBN-Wheels
Bo Wang, Leibniz Universitat Hannover, Germany
8:55 AM-9:20 AM Novel On-Machine Measurement of Surface Finish with Thermoelectric Effect for Rotating Ground Workpiece
Kazuhito Ohashi, Okayama University, Japan
9:20 AM-9:45 AM Effects of the Embedding Depth on the Residual Stresses in the Brazed Cubic Boron Nitride Abrasive Grain
Wenfeng Ding, Nanjing University of Aeronautics, China
9:45 AM-10:10 AM Uncertainty and Quality in the Measurement & Characterization of the Texture of Abrasive Media
Christopher Brown, PhD., PE, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA
10:10 AM-10:40 AM BREAK in Great Lakes Exhibit Room
Machining Glass Materials
10:40 AM-11:05 AM Subsurface Damage Caused During Rapid Grinding of Zerodur
Xavier Tonnellier, Cranfield University, England
11:05 AM-11:30 AM Delayed Crack Developing on Ductile Mode-machined Glass Surfaces
Toshiaki Kaneeda, Okayama University of Science, Japan
11:30 AM-11:55 AM Design of a Ball End Mill for Glass Cutting
Haruki Kino, Hitachi Tool Engineering, Co. Ltd., Japan
11:55 AM-1:30 PM LUNCH & EXHIBITS in Great Lakes Room
Abrasive Water-Jet
1:30 PM-1:55 PM Two Dimensional Simulation for Gas-Solid Liquid Three-Phase Flow of Abrasive Water Jet Nozzle & Experimental Validation
Chuanzhen Huang, Ph.D., Shandong University, China
1:55 PM-2:20 PM The Three-Dimensional Parameters Contrast Research on Surface Profile Machined with Abrasive Jet Precision Finishing with Grinding Wheel as Restraint
Yadong Gong, Ph.D., Northeastern University, China
2:20 PM-2:50 PM BREAK in Great Lakes Exhibit Room
2:50 PM-3:1 5 PM A New Predictive Model for the Depth of Cut in Abrasive Waterjet Contouring of Alumina Ceramics
Jun Wang, Ph.D., The University of New South Wales, Australia
3:15 PM-3:40 PM Momentum Transfer Efficiency in Abrasive Waterjet Cutting
Vu Ngoc Pi, Delft University of Technology,The Netherlands
3:40 PM-4:05 PM Development for Abrasive Tank Separated Type AJM Device - Study on Abrasive Jet Machining
Nobuhito Yoshihara, Tohoku University, Japan
Abrasive Conditioning and Dressing (Metal Bonds)
8:30 AM-8:55 AM Research on Laser Truing & Dressing of Bronze-Bonded Diamond Grinding Wheel & It's High Speed Grinding
Genyu Chen, Hunan University, China
8:55 AM-9:20 AM On the Performance of Electro-Discharge Dressed Metal-Bond CBN Wheels
Inigo Pombo Rodilla, Bilbao, Spain
9:20 AM-9:45 AM In-Process Electrolytic Dressing of a Metal Bonded Diamond Wheel by Using a Flexible Fluid Supplying Sheet
Manabu Iwai, Toyama Prefectural University, Japan
9:45 AM-10:10 AM In-Process Electrodischarge Dressing of Metal Bonded Diamond Wheel by Using a Floating Nozzle
Manabu Iwai, Toyama Prefectural University, Japan
10:10 AM-10:40 AM BREAK in Great Lakes Exhibit Room
Abrasive Conditioning and Dressing
10:40 AM-11:05 AM Effect of Dressing Condition on the Contact Stiffness of Vitrified Grinding Wheels
Takazo Yamada, Nihon University, Japan
11:05 AM-11:30 AM A Method for Synchronizing Grinding Wheel & Form Roll Speed in Point Crush Profiling of Grinding Wheels
Jeroen Derkx, Delft University of Technology,The Netherlands
11:30 AM-11:55 AM TBD
11:55 AM-1:30 PM LUNCH in Great Lakes Exhibit Room
Powder Deposition
1:30 PM-1:55 PM Study on Powder Jet Deposition - Development of Double Nozzle Type Powder Jet Deposition Device
Toshihiko Shibuya, Sendai Nikon Corporation, Japan
1:55 PM-2:20 PM Creating a Hydroxyapatite Film on Human Enamel by Powder Jet Deposition Technique
Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa, Tohoku University, Japan
Number of visits:
16 September 2007