The International Committee on
Measurements and Instrumentation

Founded in 1993

The Constitution


1. The Committee is named the “International Committee on Measurements & Instrumentation” abbreviated ICMI.

2. The Committee (ICMI) is organised voluntarily by scholars and specialists in the field of measurements & instrumentation world-wide.

3. The Committee shall seek to promote and disseminate original research in measurement science and technology by means of an International Conference organised every 2 to 3 years depending on the circumstances of the Local Committee. This decision must be announced at least 2 years in advance.

4. The Committee shall be made up of a Board and a Council.

5. The Chairperson shall be elected from the Board and shall have had exercised responsibility for hosting a Conference.

6. To the extent that Conferences are designated more than 3 years in advance the host of the Conference will be designated Chair-elect in the subsequent years of the Conference until a new Chair-elect is designated.

7. The Chair will have the authority to set up a Local Committee for the purpose of organising the Conference.

8. Council and Board Members will be elected by a Plenary Session of ICMI. They shall be holders of either Professorial positions, Doctorates or other personalities who have distinguished themselves in the field of measurement technology. All elected members must be active in ICMI.

9. It is the Board’s responsibility to propose venues for conferences. In the case of more than one recommendation being made, the Council will be asked to exercise a vote.

10. The professional body of ICMI shall be registered by the Research Centre for Measurement Technology and Scientific Instruments, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, Hubei, China. The Secretariat shall be located at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong SAR, China. The Documentation and the website of ICMI shall be preserved and maintained by the Secretariat.

11. This Constitution can only be amended by a simple majority of voting members at a Plenary Session.

Amended at HKUST, the thirtieth day of November in the year two thousand and three. The original version was done in Wuhan, the first day of November in the year nineteen hundred and ninety three.

Number of visits:
29 September 2002